Young Greens Political Education Officer Phil Davies rounds up our 2024 30 Under 30 flagship training scheme.
The 2024 Young Greens annual 30 Under 30 event took place in Manchester from the 16th-18th of February. This three day residential weekend brought together Young Greens from across England and Wales for training, education and connection building.
We kicked of the weekend with the Young Greens Co-Chairs Jane Baston and Luanne Thornton talking participants through the structures of the Green Party and the Young Greens itself. Young Greens Political Education Officer Phil Davies then ran a session on the history and philosophical basis of Green politics, including introducing participants to the 4 key pillars of Green Politics. This session also covered how Green parties emerged and how the Green Party of England and Wales and the Young Greens fit into the wider global green movement. The day was rounded off by a session on how Green Party policy is created and how conference works. This also gave participants the chance to practise their debating skills.
The second day focussed on winning local elections and we were joined by the excellent Cllr Jack Lennox, the Green Party Spokesperson for culture, sport and digital inclusion, and the Green candidate for Lancaster and Wyre at the upcoming General Election. This session also gave participants a chance to practise what they had learned with real life electoral scenarios.

Next in the schedule was a session on movement building, before we were joined by the Green Party’s Deputy Leader and London Assembly Member Zack Polanski for a session on communication and media skills. This session was highly interactive, energising and engaging and we really appreciate Zack taking time to come and run this session.

The final day began with Young Greens Election Officers Dan Kittmer and Kelsey Trevett running a workshop on how Young Greens can get involved in helping at the next general election. It was great to see so many Young Greens keen to attend action days and, particularly encouragingly, stand as general election candidates themselves. We finished off our weekend with an elected Young Green councillors panel and Q & A. This featured Hamish Mills, Lauren McLay and Tor Pingree, who we are all very grateful were able to come and share their knowledge and experiences with us. It was great to hear about the crucial work and amazing changes elected Young Greens are making to communities across England and Wales.

Reflecting on the weekend, participant Rosa Dilling said: “Having spent my early 20s getting really into complaining about politics but doing nothing about it, going to a weekend aged 27 to hang out with other young people who were willing to do something about it was phenomenal. The education on campaigning, canvassing and targeted strategy feels like it’s elevated me to a much better position for future organising! As for the people, well I really don’t have words that would do justice for the inspiration I have taken from both the organisers and my fellow comrades. If you want to get involved in actual social change 30 under 30 is the program for you!!”
Young Green Co-Chair Luanne Thornton said: “I want to take this opportunity to highlight the incredible talent and enthusiasm in this cohort of 30 under 30 candidates . It’s clear that they will go on to do great things within the party. It was really great to have deputy leader Zack Polanski join us on the Saturday afternoon to deliver a session in public speaking . As always his charisma shone through and it led to a really productive session.
The Young Greens 30 Under 30 programme has a proven track record of training leaders and activists including current party Co-Leader Carla Denyer, and Benali Hamdache, the Green Party’s Migrant & refugee Support Spokesperson and Islington Councillor, along with several members of the current Young Greens Executive Committee. It will be worth watching to see what amazing things 2024’s cohort go on to achieve.
Thank you to everyone who took part in organising and facilitating this event, all our incredible guest speakers, and all the wonderful participants who chose to share this truly unique experience with us. The next 30 Under 30 programme will run under the next Executive Committee. Members will receive an email when the programme goes live.
The Young Greens are the Youth and Student Wing of the Green Party of England and Wales. Any Green Party member who is under 30 or a full-time or part-time student is automatically a member of the Young Greens. Join the Green Party here.