This month, the House of Commons voted to support proportional representation (PR) at general elections, a symbolic and positive step toward a new and reformed voting system.
The Bill saw 138 MPs from 6 parties vote in favour.
However, The Elections (Proportional Representation) Ten Minute Rule Bill is not likely to progress, due to Keir Starmer’s government refusing to give it parliamentary time for further debate.
Keir Starmer’s continued inaction over our failing voting system has again let the UK electorate, and under 18s, down, u-turning on his previous pledge for electoral reform announced during the 2020 Labour leadership campaign.
This year’s general election was one of the most unrepresentative in UK history: with only 34% of the vote share, Labour gained a landslide victory. Under this system, political diversity is suppressed. Keir Starmer’s refusal to commit to real electoral reform demonstrates a broken voting system which pressures tactical voting and does not reflect the voice of the public.
According to the Electoral Reform Society, the Green Party, with about 7% of the vote, should have around 40 MPs. Under first-past-the-post , this translates to just 0.6% of MPs. Green votes are being devalued and underrepresented, and this Bill has the opportunity to restore the public’s trust in UK democracy.
For young people, whose future rests on the outcome of general elections and politicians in power, Proportional Representation is required more than ever.
The Young Greens have been working with Campaign group Make Votes Matter as they launch their new youth wing, Young Make Votes Matter, a cross-party network dedicated to mobilising the next generation of voters.
Livvy Gibbs, South East Scotland Representative at Young Make Votes Matter, commented on the Bill:
“Young Make Votes Matter believes in building a democracy that truly reflects the diverse voices of our generation.
Achieving PR isn’t just about fairness; it’s about creating a political system where every vote counts, empowering communities, and delivering better outcomes for people and the planet.
With trust in politics at an all-time low, PR offers a vital opportunity to reimagine our democracy as one that fosters collaboration and equips us to meet the challenges of the future.
This Ten Minute Rule Bill represents a meaningful step toward that vision, and Young Make Votes Matter is proud to champion it.”
The Green Party are calling for the replacement of the undemocratic first-past-the-post system for parliamentary and council elections with a fair and proportional voting system.
Young Greens Campaigns Officer Amelia Jones said:
“Each vote should have equal weighting. The government should adopt PR to transform the political system so that people can vote with their conscience without fear of ‘wasting’ their vote.”
Wherever young people’s lives may take them, the Young Greens are there to represent and advocate for their needs, views and wants, championing the rights of students and young people aged up to 30 across England and Wales. We’re working hard on getting more Greens elected. Join us, and let’s make it happen.
Join the Young Votes Matter network and be kept up to date with how you can make a difference.