Today the Court of Sessions ruled that consent for two new Scottish oil and gas fields was granted unlawfully.
Oil and gas companies Shell, Equinor and Ithaca must now seek new approval from the UK government before production can begin.
The Young Greens welcome this court ruling, which signals a step forward towards a sustainable fossil-free future. It has long been clear that investment in a just transition is essential in supporting long-term and secure jobs for workers. This can only be achieved through a transition to clean energy industries.
The Young Greens Co-Chair Callum Clafferty said:
“We celebrate the decision today to rule Rosebank unlawful. Oil and gas cannot be allowed to expand whilst we accelerate to climate catastrophe. This is a victory for social and climate justice, showing that lining the pockets of oil and gas CEOs must not stand in the way of a liveable planet. The dedicated work of countless activists and campaigners has made this possible. We have to keep up the pressure to ensure the decision isn’t appealed and Labour don’t backtrack further and re-approve oil and gas expansion in the North Sea. Today is another step in the right direction and now we must organise to enable a just transition away from oil and gas to become a reality. We have to act now to ensure that no community is left behind in the transition to a sustainable society”
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