
Find out more about how the Young Greens are structured. The diagram below demostrates how our committees, liberation groups and local and regional groups are related and accountable to each other.

Graphic that shows the Young Greens structures.

The Young Greens Executive Committee is comprised of:

  • 2 x Co-Chairs
  • 1 x Treasurer
  • 8 x Portfolio Officers
  • 1 x Under 18s Officer
  • 6 x Liberation Officers
  • 2 x Green Students Co-Convenors
  • 1 x Wales Officer

The Young Greens Executive Committee is accountable to the general membership. The current Executive Committee members can be found on the People page. Each of the Liberation Officers, and the Under 18s Officer, sits on the committee for the relevant liberation groups.

The Democracy and Accountability Committee checks and holds the Executive Committee accountable. Find out more about DAC below.

The two Green Students Committee Co-Convenors are responsible for the Green Students Committee which is comprised of the two Co-Convenors and five Non-Portfolio Officers. The Co-Convenors are responsible for co-opting the Non-Portfolio Officers.

Each Liberation or Special Interest Group has two Co-Chairs, one Executive Officer and Non-Portfolio Officers. The Liberation or Special Interest Groups can determine the number of Non-Portfolio Officers. These groups are accountable to their specific membership. You can find all the contact details for these groups on the Liberation and Special Interest Groups page.

From the general membership, regional and local/university groups can form. These are orgnaised by their committees. Regional Committees support the local and university groups in their region. The Executive Committee is also responsible for support all of these groups. Find out if there’s a local, regional or university group near you on the Groups page.

Democracy and Accountability

Find out more about our Democracy and Accountability Committee in the diagram below, including our Complaints and Disputes Committee.

YG Democracy - C&D (1)-1

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