What to do if you feel that something in the Young Greens has gone wrong
As a member of the Young Greens, you have the right to submit complaints based on breaches of the:
- Young Greens Constitution;
- Young Greens Standing Orders;
- Green Party Constitution;
- Green Party Standing Orders;
- Green Party Code of Conduct;
- any other organisational policies of the Green Party of England and Wales and Young Greens, including anti-harassment and Safe Space policies
Complaints and disputes are considered by the Complaints and Disputes Subcommittee (C&D). If you wish to submit a complaint, or feel you need help resolving a dispute, please email ‘complaints@younggreens.org.uk, clearly stating against whom the complaint is submitted if it is a complaint,, and providing any evidence you may possess of a breach of any of the documents stated above.
If you don’t feel comfortable approaching the C&D, you may contact the Young Greens staff member, or the Young Greens Equality and Diversity Officer, who can be found here. A final judgement will be made by C&D within 3 weeks of the complaint being submitted, unless an extension to the investigation is granted. Following a judgement, the complainant has the right to appeal if:
- New evidence emerges relating to the original complaint
- C&D had broken procedure as outlined in the Constitution
Complaints may only be made against fellow members of the Young Greens, as defined in the Constitution. Malicious complaints are a breach of the Green Party Code of Conduct and C&D has the right to dismiss complaints deemed to be submitted with malicious intent. More information can be found in Article 5 of the Young Greens Constitution which also contains the aforementioned documents.