
Our Campaigns

Every year at Young Greens Convention, Young Greens can tell the Executive Committee what they’d like them to work on for the next year. These are our priority campaigns this year that we’ll be working on collectively with our local and University groups. If you want to get involved with a particular campaign, drop our Campaigns Officer, Amelia, an email via [email protected]

Educational reform

We’re campaigning for all students to have full access to their education. From scrapping tuition fees, supporting our lecturers in their calls for fairer pay and fighting for democratised Universities.

Educational Reform Campaign Demands

Cost of Living Support

As the government continues to ignore the cost of living crisis it’s our communities that suffer.

We’ll be campaign to ensure that there is support students and young people. From cheaper bus fairs, increased maintenance grants, and working with young people to organise their workplaces.

Cost of Living Campaign Demands (1)

Electoral Reform

We have a record number of Young Greens elected as councillors but young people are still excluded from fully participating in our democracy.

This year we’ll be campaign for votes at 16, for University to auto-register students to vote and for polling stations to be more accessible.

Campaigns Page Image
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