Young Greens Active Fund

We’re excited to announce that the Young Greens Active Fund is back for 2025! We know that the work that our local and regional Young Greens groups do is vital to our success, and we want to help you with your activities as best we can. We also know how important it is to have a Young Green voice in the room, and we want to help support you to get elected.

Necessities Fund

This fund is open to affiliated Young Greens of England & Wales groups/societies for a total of up to £100 per application. It is open year-round. We’ll respond to applications to the Necessities Fund within 2 weeks.

This fund is for smaller expenses incurred in the delivery of political education, skills training, issue-based campaigns, socials, or developing your group, for example:

  • Venue hire
  • Catering and sundries
  • Posters, leaflets, etc.

Think Big Fund

This fund is open to affiliated Young Greens of England & Wales groups/societies for a total between £100-£400. It is open year-round. We’ll respond to applications to the Think Big Fund within 4 weeks.

This fund is for larger expenses incurred in delivering a programme of political education, skills training, or issue-based campaigns, or substantially developing a group, for example:

  • Running a whole issue-based campaign
  • Running a political education or training session
  • Starting or restarting a Young Greens Group/Society

Elections Fund

This fund is open to local parties who are standing a Young Green as a target candidate in a local election for a total greater than £100. Applications will be closed on 14th February 2025.

This fund is to support Young Green candidates to get elected, and funds may be used during the long campaign only to do so, for example:

  • Leaflet printing
  • Venue hire or catering for an action day
  • Cover general expenses incurred by a candidate while campaigning

We will respond to applications to the Elections Fund within 2 weeks.

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