Young Greens Convention 2024

17th & 18th August

First Timer's guide to conference

Convention is a great way to involve yourself with the work we do: from campaigning, international issues to elections. You'll get the chance to meet lots of other members, learn about the Young Greens, the Green Party and loads more. And Convention is totally FREE with a free lunch provided on both days and an Access Fund to assist in paying associated costs such as travel and accommodation.

Convention is the place to discuss policy, learn about the youth wing of the party, get more involved, participate in direct action and socialise with other Young Greens. Convention is where our Annual General Meeting is held, and new committees are elected. To top it all off, we announce the winners of the annual Young Greens Awards.

This page should cover all of the information you need to know about Convention. If you've got any questions please feel free to get in touch via [email protected]

Convention Basics

Inclusion Cards: In your welcome pack, you will find your inclusion card. Please use this card to signal the chair to challenge and raise awareness of any issues of racism, sexism, ablism, homophobia, transphobia, religious discrimination and all other type of discrimination.

Pronouns: When you meet someone new, it is good practice to ask them which pronouns they use, so you do not accidentally use pronouns which refer to a different gender identity. To help with this, there are stickers in your welcome packs where you are encouraged to add your pronouns e.g. they/them, she/her.

Safe Space: The Young Greens have a safe space policy which ensures that we maintain an environment where all can feel safe to participate.

Who's who?

EC/ExecYoung Greens Executive Committee, consisting of Co-Chairs, Treasurer, and the 18 Executive Officers whose role is to look after the day-to-day running of the organisation including supporting members and groups with their activities.

DAC – Democracy and Accountability Committee who are there to guide the AGM and make sure the Constitution and Standing Orders are followed.

Safeguarding Team – People whose responsibility is to safeguard and protect the needs of Young Greens under the age of 18 or vulnerable adults. If you feel as though there has been a safeguarding breach, please first go to the registration desk who will point you in the direction of the safeguarding team. There will be an on duty safeguarding officer at all times.

Liberation Groups – These are spaces for people from oppressed or marginalised groups in society to come together, share experiences and organise collectively. The groups are self-defining and are run by and for their members. You can find them all here. They all have meetups at Convention, so if you self-define into a group, feel free to go along!

We believe in being brave, in speaking our minds and together we can do politics differently

Find out more about standing for election in the Young Greens

Interested in standing for one of the elected roles in the Young Greens? Join a selection our currently elected members to learn more about their roles.

Date TBC

Convention: All You Need to Know

New to the Young Greens, or never been to Convention before? Join our Democracy and Accountability Committee as they talk you through all you need to know!

Date TBC

Convention Definitions

We believe in being brave, in speaking our minds and together we can do politics differently