Like all organisations we have a responsibility to ensure that we have appropriate safeguarding procedures in place. The Young Greens follows the Green Party of England and Wales safeguarding policies which can be found here on their website. Our guidance for Young Greens is adapted from these policies with the support of the Green Party Staff Team. The Young Greens Safeguarding Guidance and Safe Spaces Guidance can be found below. These documents were last updated in the Record of Organisational Statements by the Executive Committee in October 2021.
The Young Greens Operations Officer, Arran Rangi, is our Safeguarding Champion. Olli Watkins and Elliott Lee are our Safeguarding Officers. For any safeguarding queries please contact [email protected].
Safeguarding Resources
Safeguarding Guidance
Safe Spaces Guidance
Safeguarding Under 18s in a Young Greens Group