Talks, Q&As and Training Webinars

Our society is in crisis. Neoliberal capitalism has once again shown its failure to deal with crisis, and years of austerity have left our health service behind. A system which emerged from historic defeats of labour and social movements is sustained by a blatantly undemocratic political system.

The climate crisis, health crisis, global debt crisis, employment crisis: each demand that we take a radical step away from the existing political and economic order. We need to ensure that society's next stage is green, progressive, and radical.

Through this crisis, we've be working to deliver that radical and just vision online. Since March in 2020, we've been hosting a series of talks with progressive green thinkers, from Sian Berry to Derek Wall. We've delivered online trainings to build the next generation of Green organisers. And to keep us together, we've been holding social events and activities.

See below for the recordings of these events and other events up and coming!

Recordings: Radical lecture series

Our society is in crisis. While coronavirus has caused the tragic loss of thousands of lives, it has also revealed the deep flaws in our neoliberal capitalist system. Together, the grim legacy of austerity, privatisation, and decades of assaults on workers’ rights, is making itself felt in the interlocking crises we now face. But how did we get here and how do we overthrow this broken system?

Check out our radical four-part lecture series that explores these vital questions, and provides you with a foundational understanding of how our society has been organised over the last four decades, why this is, how it is flawed, and how we can resist it. You can also access the Further Readings on our Lecture Series page.

Lecture 1: Neoliberalism, austerity and privatisation

Part 1: Neoliberalism, privatisation and austerity - 20/01

This session sets out the history of how neoliberalism as a distinctive form of capitalism emerged across the world, with privatisation, austerity and deregulation at its core. It explains the impacts of these policies, and how this political order has become so embedded that it is hard to even imagine an alternative system.

Lecture 2: The changing state of democracy in the UK

Part 2: The changing state of democracy in the uk - 27/01

This session uncovers how democracy in the UK is designed to serve the interests of a minority - a monopoly that has been challenged over time, from working class struggles to recent independence movements. It will show how many of the issues of modern democracy in the UK are rooted in the history of how it developed from an imperial nation state.

Lecture 3

Part 3: People power! How we change the world when we work together - 03/02

This session will show how it’s not just elites who make history, and how popular movements have created the society we have today. It was at the height of working class power that demands for liberation of women, LGBTIQA+ and people of colour exploded. These were organic demands for the radical democratisation of society.


Part 4: Bringing it all together - envisioning a radically just and transformed society - 22/02

This final radical lecture pulls it all together, introducing eco-socialist theories, and explaining why environmental politics must analyse where power lies. We’ll look at how radical democracy is the solution to climate and social crises, and why that means we need to build people power right now.

Recordings of training webinars - 2020

Through this period, we've been running a series of online trainings for our activists. Watch them back to learn from experienced progressives to enhance your organizing skills, from driving the media's agenda to running your own campaigns. These trainings are for Young Greens - members of the Green Party aged under-30 or in full-time education. You can access these through the Green Spaces website.

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Press and Media - 11/04

With Natalie Bennett, Chris Jarvis, and Cllr Hannah Clare

Ever wondered what makes a strong media performance? How progressives drive their campaigns up the agenda? How the left can change the conversation in tough times?

This is for you! Join the Young Greens and Natalie Bennett for a unique training opportunity. We'll hear from some awesome people on why media work matters and how to make a splash. Includes driving the agenda and writing press releases, making your local government press work accessible and exciting, and handling broadcast media.

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Digital Organiser Training with the Young Greens

Digital organiser - 09/05

Ever wanted to know how to build a powerful movement through online tools and platforms? Where to find your audience and how to mobilise your network for your campaigns?

You'll hear from professionals in Digital Marketing, Engagement and Campaigning about choosing the right social media channel(s), creating powerful content, and planning a journey that takes people from newcomer to organiser.

With plenty of breaks, interactive activities and room for questions, there's no better place to be on a Saturday morning. There are a limited number of spaces, so make sure you register today to avoid disappointment!

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Elections training. With the Young Greens.


Ever wondered what it takes to run a powerful elections campaign in your community? How to deliver effective messaging and shift attitudes? How to win change for residents along the way?

This training is for you! Join us for another unique training opportunity on how to run and organise a radical and winning local election campaign. We'll be covering:

  • Election campaign strategy
  • Building your volunteer base
  • Delivering effective messaging and shifting attitudes
  • Winning change for residents

In the context of COVID-19, we'll be sharing and developing creative ideas on how to campaign if the landscape is not as we know it. Whether you're new to the Green Party or a seasoned campaigner, this will be an incredible opportunity to get skilled up and generate a powerful Green, mean election machine.

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Recordings of previous talks:

How we end exploitation in global supply chains

How we end exploitation in global supply chains - 31/03/21

With Harpreet Paul, Electronics Watch

In the electronics industry, the pandemic has caused a wave of disruption to manufacturing operations - leading to factory closures, rapid changes in the pace of production, and increased pressure on workers to ‘meet the needs of the market.’

But how can we secure rights for workers in such a complex and massive global industry?

This is the questions that we’ll be discussing with the incredible Harpreet Paul, from Electronics Watch! Harpreet Paul is a human rights lawyer and former Co-Director of People & Planet.

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How we end the hostile environment - 24/03/21

With Dorian Leatham, Interim CEO of Migrant Rights Network

The government is doing everything in its power to make and maintain the UK’s hostile environment, stripping people of their rights, dignity and identity.

We urgently need to reverse and replace these dangerous narratives, and push back against this government's immoral and unconscionable hostile environment.

Join us for an illuminating discussion with Migrant Rights Network’s interim CEO Dorian Leatham on how we get there!


Covid, cuts and the arts - 15/03/21

With Amelia Womack and Billy Lunn

Our art sector is crumbling as a result of the pandemic and the UK government stands watching. Film and television production have been put on hold, live performance venues, museums and art galleries have been forced to close their doors, and tens of thousands have lost work in these sectors, something needs to be done.

Join us as we discuss where we go next to save the arts and all those working in it from plunging into crisis!

Students are not cash cows: building solidarity with the rent strikers. Img: Young person with a red flare in the air, with other protestors

Students are not cash cows: Building solidarity with the rent strikers - 24/02/21

With student rent strikers from across the country

Right now, hundreds of thousands of students are being treated as cash cows and paying rip off rents for accommodation that they can't even use. But the crisis in our education system goes much deeper than this.

Join us to hear from student rent strikers, their fight against unfair treatment and the marketisation of education - and how we got here.

Trade & The Labour Movement: The UK-EU deal and the fights on the horizon

Trade & The Labour Movement: The UK-EU deal and the fights on the horizon - 21/01

Co-hosted with the Green Party Trade Union Group

The formal agreement of the UK-EU Free Trade Agreement in December brought the UK out of the EU single market and customs union. But more than that, it suggests that struggles over future trade agreements are on the horizon.

Join us to understand the current conjuncture, the UK-EU deal and the fights on the horizon with our expert panel: Allison Roche - National Policy Officer at UNISON, Ruth Bergan - Senior Advisor at Trade Justice Movement, Nick Dearden - Director at Global Justice Now, and Emily Jones - Political economist at the University of Oxford.

How will we stand with Hong Kong in 2021? Image of protestors in HK with yellow umbrellas

How will we stand with Hong Kong in 2021? - 08/01

With Natalie Bennett, Stand with Hong Kong, and the Young Greens

Millions of Hongkongers have been protesting since June 2019 to defend their freedom and autonomy. But instead of addressing political grievances, the Hong Kong government has responded with devastating police brutality, increasingly arbitrary arrests and political prosecutions.

But how can we stand with Hong Kong in 2021 and build international solidarity that sees a win for pro-democracy activists? Join us for an exciting event organised together with the All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Hong Kong, featuring a terrific panel of exciting speakers.

Covid, Capitalism, and Crisis in Higher Education with NUS President Larissa Kennedy - Talk and Q&A

Covid, capitalism and crisis in higher education - 11/11

With Larissa Kennedy, NUS President

The Higher Education sector is in a state of unprecedented crisis. Universities institutions face financial collapse. Rocketing COVID cases on campuses have resulted in spiralling accommodation lock-downs. All the while, financial risks worsened by the crisis are being transferred to individuals: staff and students. But how did things get this bad? And how do we fight back?

Join us for an exciting online talk and Q&A on Covid, capitalism and crisis in Higher Education with NUS President, Larissa Kennedy.

Lock down schools now! Why the Tories keep risking the lives of staff and students. with Education Spokesperson Vix Lowthion

Lock down schools now! Why the Tories keep risking the lives of staff & Students - 14/04

With Vix Lowthion, Green Party Education Spokesperson

This weekend, Boris Johnson announced a national lockdown in response to the rocketing number of coronavirus cases. Yet, the government also decided to exclude schools and college closures from the lockdown - a decision which is needlessly putting the lives of students, staff and communities at risk.

Join us to hear from Vix Lowthion, Green Party Education Spokesperson for an urgent discussion on how we respond to this recent announcement.

Ending Austerity for Good with Green Party deputy leader Amelia Womack. Online talk and Q&A.


With Amelia Womack, deputy leader of the Green Party

Covid-19 has provided the UK government with an excuse to reboot the old false narratives about "cutting the way to prosperity". It's never been more important to resist these moves, and to drive our own narratives - of public investment, solidarity, and social justice - up the political agenda.

Join us to hear from Green Party Deputy Leader Amelia Womack, on how we can end austerity for good.

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Transforming Education with NUS president Zamzam Ibrahim. Online talk and Q&A.

Transforming education: How we win a National Education Service - with Zamzam Ibrahim - 02/06

With Zamzam Ibrahim, president of the National Union of Students

Alongside increasing fees, and swingeing cuts to university services, we've seen institutions that were founded as beacons of research, study, training, and fulfilment turn into something else entirely - the neoliberal university.

More and more, our universities and colleges are treated as service providers, and students as consumers. And now in the context of Coronavirus, we're seeing once again university managers transferring the financial risks to individuals - our staff and students.

Earlier last year, the National Union of Students launched a brand new campaign to fight for a National Education Service - one that is free, accessible and life-long; in essence, a plan to build an NHS but for education. But what does this look like and how do we get there?

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Covid-19, policing, & civil liberities. With Green Party peer Baroness Jenny Jones. Online Talk and Q&A.

Policing and civil liberties in a time of crisis - 26/05

With Jenny Jones, Green member of the Lords and former London Assembly member

In the last month, our government has legislated for unprecedented powers to control our civil liberties in order to protect public health. But in many cases our police forces and even local authorities are abusing their position.

This, however, is only reflective of systemic problems in our policing systems - from racialised stop and searches to the spy cops scandal, police abuse of state power and violations of civil liberties are endemic.

But what does civil liberty really mean and how can we protect it? And how do we balance this with ensuring public safety during the pandemic? How can we create a system that allows us to claim our rights as individuals and as a collective?

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The fight for free and fair education with the Scottish Green Party's Ross Greer MSP. Online talk and Q&A.


With Ross Greer, Green MSP and Scottish Greens Education spokesperson

We know that our education system has faced endless attacks by years of Tory rule. Attainment gaps and access to quality education were already reflecting and reinforcing the spiralling inequalities in our society - but now it's being felt more than ever.

But how do we protect our right to free and fair education in a time of crisis? What can we learn from the different approaches being taken in Scotland and beyond? And how do we build a solid movement to save our schools, colleges and universities during COVID-19?

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Ecosocialism and a Green New Deal, with former Green MEP Alex Phillips. Online Talk and Q&A.


With Alex Phillips, Green councillor, Brighton and Hove Lord Mayor, and former MEP

As we work through and recover from the current crisis, we must ensure that the next stage of society is not one of more capitalist growth, inequality and a certain path towards climate disaster.

We need a strategy that re-boosts the economy at the same time as revitalising our public services through public ownership, tackling the climate crisis and winning a just transition for workers of all nations.

But how do we build this Green New Deal? And what does it look like in the current crisis?

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Why We Must Cancel the Debt. With Oxfam GB's Rebecca Gowland. Online talk and Q&A. Photo CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 UN


With Rebecca Gowland, Head of Inequality, Policy and Campaigns at Oxfam GB

Indebted to some of the richest countries in the world, governments in the global south - whose public healthcare systems are already in need of major investment - are currently unable to free up resources to spend on public health prevention and response. Meanwhile, debt relief could free up $40 billion to help fight the Coronavirus.

But what is stopping world leaders from cancelling the debt to countries in the global south? How did we end up here? And how do we challenge the political economic systems that drive inequality and injustice?


organising to win - 14/05

With trade union United Voices of the World

This crisis has made something very clear: that the work that keeps society going is not done by bosses or landlords, but by working people.

Join us on 14 May at 8.05pm to hear from United Voices of the World, a radical "members-led, campaigning trade union which supports and empowers the most vulnerable groups of precarious, low-paid and predominantly migrant workers in the UK." Hear how they've organised together to beat outsourcing and privatisation, everywhere from NHS trusts and government offices to universities and clubs.

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Fighting Toxic Trade Deals with Global Justice Now director Nick Dearden. Online Talk and Q&A. Photo: CC-BY-2.0 FOE Europe

Fighting Toxic Trade Deals - 11/05

With Nick Dearden, director of Global Justice Now

Coronavirus has already revealed the flaws in the pro-corporate agenda that toxic trade deals deals were designed to entrench - from the decimation of our public services, to the privatisation of our healthcare system, hiking up the price of medicines and lowering safety standards.

But with Johnson determined to steam ahead with new deals, how do we stop Trump from getting his hands on our NHS? How do we fight for trade justice and trade democracy? And what does this look like?

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WHY PRIvatisation is failing - 07/05

With Ellen Lees, We Own It

Even before we were hit by coronavirus, the NHS was on its knees. Annual winter crises in the health service shouldn't be normal. People paying for healthcare shouldn't be normal. Old and vulnerable people not getting the crucial care they need shouldn't be normal. The reality is that decades of privatisation has caused untold damage to our vital public services.

Coronavirus hasn't caused these problems, it's just shone a light on them. It's exposed the cracks running right through this failing system.

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Where next for the school strikes? With UKSCN activist Macsen Brown. Online talk and Q&A. Photo: CC-BY-2.0/Stephen Smith

Where next for the school strikes? - 30/04

With Macsen Brown, UKSCN activist

From Germany to Japan, Sweden to Brazil, the UK to Uganda, millions of school students have taken to the streets to stand up for their futures and demand urgent climate justice.

Here in the UK, their demands for decarbonisation by 2030 through a radical Green New Deal have gained huge momentum, forcing politicians to cling to their climate policies during the recent General Election. But where next for this unprecedented and unbelievable movement?

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Climate Change, Capitalism, and Colonialism with Director of War on Want Asad Rehman. Online talk and Q&A. Photo: RedSquirrel - CC-BY-4.0

Climate change, capitalism, and colonialism - 27/04

With Asad Rehman, director of War on Want

Capitalism and colonialism work in tandem as root causes of the climate crisis. In our struggle for climate justice and global justice we must tackle each.

The people of the global south were hit hardest by the curse of colonialism, and they too will be hit hardest by the climate crisis. Colonialism lies at the heart of global injustice. But tackling the root causes of the climate crisis won’t be easy when those same causes sustain the wealth of the most powerful and influential.

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How we achieve housing justice for all with leader of the green party Sian Berry - Online Talk and Q&A. Photo: Richard Sutcliffe / Recent housing, South Nitshill / CC BY-SA 2.0

How We Achieve Housing Justice For All - 23/04

With Sian Berry, Green Party leader and London mayoral candidate

Access to housing is a human right, but the unequal structures in society find one of their starkest expressions in the inequalities laid bare in housing.

From the prejudices and injustice that permeate the world of estate redevelopment to the erosion of renters' rights, the way we house our citizens is a reflection of how we value and support each person in society. So how do we achieve housing justice for all?

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Radical Democracy. With Open Democracy UK editor Adam Ramsay. Online Talk and Q&A. Photo: CC-by-3.0 David Shankbone

RADICAL DEMOCRACY: THE BRITISH STATE and the failure of 'politics' in a time of crisis - 20/04

With Adam Ramsay, editor of OpenDemocracy UK
The neoliberal impulse to drive cuts and austerity have already caused the death and misery of hundreds of thousands, at the very least. From health and social care to housing, from social security to education, it has caused untold damage to our social fabric and burdened the most vulnerable with the greatest cost.

But now the impact of coronavirus is showing that this political order is unable to sustain itself and the government is putting it on life support. Could this be the death of neoliberalism? And what kind of society can we build if it is?

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Green Alternatives to Capitalism with Author and Academic Derek Wall - Online Talk and Q&A

Green alternatives to capitalism - 14/04

With Derek Wall, former Green Party principal speaker, author, and academic

On Tuesday 14/4, we held an online talk and Q&A with Derek Wall.  He drew from Elinor Ostrom's theory of collective commons to tackle the enormous and critical questions facing capitalism.

We thought about questions like: What would it mean to completely transform our economic system? To go beyond projects like a Green New Deal or getting Greens elected? To completely unearth our present capitalist system?

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South East Young Greens AGM: The McStrike Campaign with War on Want - 17/08

The McStrike campaign is the collective struggle of fast food workers in the UK, US and around the world for a real living wage and better working conditions. Workers in the fast food industry face exploitation whilst the likes of McDonald's dodge their taxes and profit from the misery of their lowest paid workers. Right now we're in the middle of the Covid-19 crisis, which has only made their demands for better treatment more urgent.

As part of the South East Young Greens Summer Gathering, they were joined by Owen Espley alongside a fast food worker for a fascinating look at the campaign.

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South East Young Greens AGM: Local democracy in the Covid-19 Crisis with Natalie Bennett - 18/08

During the Covid-19 crisis, local councils have been at the forefront of efforts to bring the pandemic under control. They've been at the heart of so much from providing support to the most in need to making much needed changes to transport infrastructure to facilitate active travel and social distancing. More than ever, it's clear that putting into practice the Green Party's plans to empower local government and make our councils real forces for positive change is a huge part of what we need to #BuildBackBetter.

As part of South East Young Greens Summer Gathering, they heard from Natalie about the importance of local government, especially during this time of crisis.

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South East Young Greens AGM: What the Green New Deal means for young people with Alex Phillips - 20/08

Raised by our Green MP Caroline Lucas back in 2008, the Green New Deal is a way we can begin to address the huge economic inequality and environmental challenges or society faces. Since then, the Green Party has been working hard to drive progress on implementing the Green New Deal locally, nationally and across Europe.

Alex Phillips is a Green Party councillor and former mayor of Brighton & Hove. In the 2019 European elections she was elected MEP for the South East of England. During her term she worked with others in the parliament on what a European Green New Deal would look like and what that would mean for us, here in South East England. In this session she shared with us what a Green New Deal would mean for young people here in the South East and beyond.

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Being the youngest candidate for the DÁil with Young Irish Green Tate Donnelly - 09/09

Join the South East Young Greens for a discussion with Tate Donnelly on being a Young Green active in politics in the Republic of Ireland. Members and non-members welcome!

We're delighted to have Tate joining us for this look at Irish politics, the 2020 general election and what it's like to be a Young Green general election candidate. Tate will also be sharing with us the key issues of his campaign and thoughts on the position of the Green Party in Ireland moving forward before answering your questions.
Tate Donnelly was the youngest TD candidate in the country at the 2020 election, for the constituency of Cavan-Monaghan. His campaign, a key focus of which was standing up for young people, generated international media attention.
Join us to hear from Tate and gain a fascinating insight into Irish politics.