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Student rent strikes must have our support

Young people walking with large banner with the words #RentStrike on and raising a red flare in the air

Amid rocketing COVID cases on university campuses and spiralling accommodation lock-downs, students are rising up and demanding justice. In the last two weeks, students at the University of Manchester and University of Bristol announced rent strikes, calling out university management for pushing ahead with a return to campuses even though they were clearly unprepared for […]

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A three week delay on exams will not suffice

Gavin Williamson

Education Secretary Gavin Williamson’s plan to delay next year’s GCSE and A-Level examinations by just three weeks is a woefully inadequate response to the exceptional disadvantages faced by thousands of students across the country. Due to school closures and a sudden switch to online teaching in the summer term, the current cohort of GCSE and […]

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Sex work – is decriminalisation the answer?

Black and white photo of a English Collective of Prostitutes banner with people stood and kneeling with signs

Guest blog by the English Collective of Prostitutes Sex work is legal in the UK. But whilst the exchange of money between two adults for consensual sex is allowed, lots of activities surrounding sex work remain illegal. Laws on ‘brothel-keeping’ and ‘loitering and soliciting’ in particular have made sex workers’ lives significantly more difficult. This […]

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Rishi Sunak’s latest flashy plan won’t deliver for workers

Rishi Sunak behind podium with the words,

Today Rishi Sunak announced a new ‘viable jobs’ support scheme as the government’s furlough scheme winds up in a month’s time. Ostensibly, this is seeking to encourage employers to cut hours, rather than staff. Sadly, Sunak’s latest flashy idea is a million miles off where we need to be. In the DNA of this scheme […]

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Test and trace – A £10 billion scam

Deloitte building

With each passing day, it becomes clearer that the Government’s test and trace programme is not working. This poses a huge risk to both public health and our already suffering economy. The Guardian reported an infuriating, but possibly not so shocking, statistic that 90% of Covid tests are failing to hit their target for turnaround, […]

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Dolce & Gabbana are silencing animal rights protesters

Animal rights protesters dressed in dust suits with fake blood. A banner reads

On 20th September 2019, activists protested outside a Dolce & Gabbana store in London against the company’s use of fur that comes from a breed of bunny called Orylag. This species of bunny has been genetically engineered specifically to be killed for the fashion industry for their soft, dense fur. There is undercover footage showing […]

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Tory decisions are to blame for the COVID spike – not young people

Matt Hancock talking in front of podium that says 'stay alert, control the virus, save lives'

The Health Secretary has announced that the UK could see a second spike in coronavirus cases if young people don’t follow social distancing rules. The Young Greens would like to formally challenge Mr Hancock’s statement, with both the belief and the evidence that the rise in COVID-19 cases is actually due to the Conservative’s lack […]

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